Dongfang Electric Corporation v DDIT (I.T.A. No.: 833/Kol/2011) Kolkata ITAT Background: The Assessee, a Chinese company, had entered into contracts with Indian entities for setting up of turnkey thermal power projects. Each of these contracts were divided into two parts – one for supply of equipment and materials of thermal power plant and second for erection and services of units of main plant along with some common facilities.The Assessee had a project office in India which constituted a permanent establishment (PE) for the assessee in India under the India-China DTAA. The consideration receivable by the assessee was separately provided in respect of (i) offshore supply of equipment, spare parts and tools outside India (offshore supply) and (ii) for local supply, design, engineering, construction, erection, installation, testing and commissioning of thermal power units (onshore activities).
Substance over form
Alstom Transport SA v DIT A.A.R. No. 958 of 2010 dated 7th June 2012 Facts of the case The applicant along with three other companies, entered into a Consortium Agreement for the purpose executing a contract: “to implement the design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of signaling/ train-control and communication system”. The consortium was jointly and severally responsible for the work tendered. The Applicant contended that:
Dissecting a composite contract for offshore supply no longer good in law – AAR
CIT vs. The Instalment Supply Ltd (Delhi High Court) The assessee bought 1614 items of computer systems for Rs.40 lacs from HCL Hewlett Packard Ltd and leased back to the same company. The assessee claimed 100% depreciation on the ground that the cost of each itemswas less than Rs.5,000. The AO & CIT (A) held that the lease was not a bona fide transaction and that the transaction was a finance transaction. It was held that the assessee had advanced Rs.40 lacs to HCL Hewlett Packard Ltd and agreed to receive back this amount along with the interest over six years. However, the Tribunal upheld the claim on the ground that the conditions of a valid lease were satisfied. On appeal by the department to the High Court,