Daily Archives: August 24, 2012

Apoorva Patni v ACIT IT APPEAL NOS. 192, 193, 239 & 273 TO 276 (PN) OF 2011 (Pune ITAT) Background: The assessee filed her return of income for the assessment year 2006-07 declaring a total income of Rs 13,95,40,653/- under various heads of income, viz. income from house property, business income, capital gains and income from other sources. The income declared under the head capital gains included short term as well as long term capital gain on investments made through the PMS providers. Besides, the assessee has also declared capital gains, both long term and short term, from direct dealing in mutual funds, investments also. Apart from the aforesaid dealings in shares and securities, the assessee also had a portfolio wherein income from share and securities transactions was declared as business income. In this factual background, the Assessing Officer treated the short term as well as long term capital gain earned through the investments made through PMS providers amounting to Rs 3,86,38,849 as income which was liable to be assessed as ‘business income’ and not under the head ‘Capital gains’. The Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) has, however, upheld the contentions of the assessee that the gain from investments made through the PMS provider was assessable under the head capital gains.

Income from PMS is capital gains and not business income – Pune ITAT